The Happy Baby Spa

Want iedere baby is een happy baby

Post Format: Standard

23 september 2013

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format and has a featured image.

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As you can see the should be some space above, below, and to the right of the image. The text should not be creeping on the image. Creeping is just not right. Images need breathing room too. Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission accomplished!

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The Happy Baby Spa heeft een nieuwe naam en locatie.

Kom langs bij Geboortecentrum Mini & Me op onze nieuwe locatie in Amsterdam.